March 7, 2010

I'm Almost Back!

It's been a long while since I last posted. I'm not lazy, really. I've actually been working on some power metal for Crusader Shield. It's some sort of holy power metal feeling sound. I've tried it, I can say I've done it, but I think I'd rather much enjoy making some more folk sounding tunes. Hence I'm back to working on And My Runeaxe for my next piece.

It could be while until I actually push something out, so don't hold your breath. The reason is I'm not actually living at my own home (for a good while now) so I don't really have access to my music gear and software, and I'm kind of in between housing and all. It's weird, don't worry about it.

Some friends and I have been discussing some ideas to do with my music, which includes inward growling vocals, Manowar influences, and possibly some chiptunes to throw into the mix.. So do expect something awesome for my next release!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just downloaded your kick ass Combinator patch for a metal guitar. Awesome! Thanks a lot.
I love Reason and it has kept me busy for a long time, but my biggest challenge has been to come up with the Redrum. All the rock kits sound great, and I even like the Trent Resnor kits, but I haven't been able to put together any good metal drum patterns.
Most of the tutorials that I have found are too lame and light.
Any ideas or examples? Or sites where that I could check out.